Pmakeup autoloaded plugins

By default pmakeup has automatically loaded some plugin that allows you to make basic stuff (read from file, set variables). Such plugins are described here:


class pmakeup.plugins.core.CorePMakeupPlugin.CorePMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

Contains all the commands available for the user in a file

add_or_update_variable_in_cache(name: str, supplier: Callable[], Any], mapper: Callable[[Any], Any])

Add a new variable in the cache

  • name – the variable to set

  • supplier – function used to generate the value fo the variable if the variable does not exist in the cache

  • mapper – function used to generate the value fo the variable if the variable does exist in the cache. The input is the variable old value


Clear the cache of pmakeup

ensure_condition(condition: Callable[], bool], message: str = '')None

Perform a check. If the condition is not satisfied, we raise exception

  • condition – the condition to check. generate exception if the result is False

  • message – the message to show if the exception needs to be generated

ensure_has_cli_variable(name: str)None

Ensure the user has passed a variable via “–variable” CLI utils. If not, an exception is generated


name – the variable name to check

ensure_has_cli_variable_is_one_of(name: str, *allowed_values)None

Ensure that a variable has been passed from the command line and has a value among the one passed

  • name – variable name

  • allowed_values – set of values we check against the variable calue

ensure_has_variable(name: str)None

Ensure the user has passed a variable in the registry. If not, an exception is generated


name – the variable name to check


Get all the commands you can execute right now


get all the registered pmakeup plugins at this moment


check if the system is designed on a 32 or 64 bits


either 32 or 64 bit


Get the command line string from the user




Get the home fodler of the currently logged used

get_latest_path_with_architecture(current_path: str, architecture: int)str

get the latest path on the system with the specified archietcture

  • current_path – nominal path name

  • architecture – either 32 or 64


the first path compliant with this path name

get_latest_version_in_folder(folder: str = None, should_consider: Callable[[str], bool] = None, version_fetcher: Callable[[str], semantic_version.base.Version] = None)Tuple[semantic_version.base.Version, List[str]]

Scan the subfiles and subfolder of a given directory. We assume each file or folder has a version withint it. Then fetches the latest version. This command is useful in dierctories where all releases of a given software are placed. if we need to fetch the latest one, this function is perfect for the task.

  • folder – the folder to consider. If unspecified, it is the current working directory

  • should_consider – a function that allows you to determine if we need to consider or not a subfile/subfolder. The input isan absolute path. If no function is given, we accept all the sub files

  • version_fetcher – a function that extract a version from the filename. If left unspecified, we will use ::semantic_version_2_only_core


the latest version in the folder. The second element of the tuple is a collection of all the filenames that specify the latest version


The directory where the analyzed pmakeupfile is located


absolute ptha of the directory of the path under analysis


absolute path of the folder containing the main PMakeupfile path


absolute path of the main PMakeupfile path


absolute path of where you have called pmakeup

get_variable_in_cache(name: str)Any

Get the variable from the cache. if the variable does not exist, an error is generated


name – name of the variable to check


the value associated to such a variable

get_variable_in_cache_or(name: str, default: Any)Any

Get the variable value from the cache or get a default value if it does not exist

  • name – name of the variable to fetch

  • default – if the variable does not exist in the cache, the value to retturn from this function


the variable value

get_variable_in_cache_or_fail(name: str)Any

Get the variable value from the cache or raise an error if it does not exist


name – name of the variable to fetch


the variable value

has_variable_in_cache(name: str)bool

Check if a variable is in the pmakeup cache


name – name of the variable to check


true if a varaible with such a name is present in the cache, false otherwise

include_file(*file: str)None

Replace the include directive with the content fo the included file. Fails if there is no such path


file – the external file to include in the script

include_string(string: str)None

Include and execute the code within the given string


string – the commands to execute

is_process_running(program_name: str)bool

Check if a program with the given name is currently running


program_name – the program we need to check


true if we are running such a program, false otheriwse

kill_process_by_name(program_name: str, ignore_if_process_does_not_exists: bool = True)

Kill a program

  • program_name – name fo the program that is running on the system

  • ignore_if_process_does_not_exists – if the proces does not exist and thsi parameter is true, this function will not throw exception

kill_process_by_pid(pid: int, ignore_if_process_does_not_exists: bool = True)

Kill a program

  • pid – pid of the program that is running on the system

  • ignore_if_process_does_not_exists – if the proces does not exist and thsi parameter is true, this function will not throw exception


Load all the variables present in cache into the available variables

log_command(message: str)

reserved. Useful to log the action performed by the user


message – message to log


Check if we are running on linux


true if we are running on linux


Check if we are running on windows


true if we are running on windows

path_wrt_pmakeupfile(*folder: str)str

Compute path relative to the file where PMakeupfile is located


folder – other sections of the path


path relative to the absolute path of where PMakeupfile is located

path_wrt_starting_cwd(*folder: str)str

Compute path relative to the starting cwd


folder – other sections of the path


path relative to the absolute path of where you have called pmakeup

quasi_semantic_version_2_only_core(filename: str)semantic_version.base.Version

A function that can be used within ::get_latest_version_in_folder. It accepts values like “1.0.0”, but also “1.0” and “1”


filename – the absolute path of a file that contains a version


the version

read_variables_from_properties(file: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8')None

Read a set of easy variables from a property file. All the read variables will be available in the “variables” value. If some variable name preexists, it will not be overriden :see:

  • file – the file to read

  • encoding – encoding of the file. If left missing, we will use utf-8

require_pmakeup_plugins(*pmakeup_plugin_names: str)

Tells pmakeup that, in order to run the script, you required a sequence of pmakeup plugins correctly installed (the version does not matter)

Pmakeup will then arrange itself in installing dependencies and the correct order of the plugins


pmakeup_plugin_names – the plugins that are requierd to be present in order for the script to work. Dependencies are automatically added

require_pmakeup_version(lowerbound: str)None

Check if the current version of pmakeup is greater or equal than the given one. If the current version of pmakeup is not compliant with this constraint, an error is generated


lowerbound – the minimum version this script is compliant with

semantic_version_2_only_core(filename: str)semantic_version.base.Version

A function that can be used within ::get_latest_version_in_folder


filename – the absolute path of a file that contains a version


the version

set_variable_in_cache(name: str, value: Any, overwrite_if_exists: bool = True)

Set a variable inside the program cache. Setting variable in cache allows pmakeup to store information between several runs of pmakeup.

How pmakeup stores the information is implementation dependent and it should not be relied upon

  • name – name of the variable to store

  • value – object to store

  • overwrite_if_exists – if true, if the cache already contain a variable with the same name, such a varaible will be replaced with the new one


Get a dictioanry containing all the variables setup up to this point. You can use thi dictionary to gain access to a variable in a more pythonic way (e.g., rather than get_variable(“foo”)


PMakeupException – if the variable is not found


class pmakeup.plugins.files.FilesPMakeupPlugin.FilesPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

allow_file_to_be_executed_by_anyone(file: str)

Allow the file to be executed by anyone. On a linux system it should be equal to “chmod o+x”


file – the file whose permission needs to be changed

append_string_at_end_of_file(name: str, content: Any, encoding: str = 'utf-8')None

Append a string at the end of the file. carriage return is automatically added

  • name – filename

  • content – string to append

  • encoding – encoding of the file. If missing, “utf-8” is used

append_strings_at_end_of_file(name: str, content: Iterable[Any], encoding: str = 'utf-8')None

Append a string at the end of the file. carriage return is automatically added

  • name – filename

  • content – string to append

  • encoding – encoding of the file. If missing, “utf-8” is used

copy_file(src: str, dst: str, create_dirs: bool = True)

Copy a single file from a position to another one. If the destination folder hierarchy does not exist, we will create it

  • src – file to copy

  • dst – destination where the file will be copied to. If a file, we will copy the src file into another file with different name. If a directory, we will copy the specified file into the dirctory dst (without altering the filename)

  • create_dirs – if true, we will create the directories of dst if non existent

copy_files_that_basename(src: str, dst: str, regex: str)

Copy the files located (directly or indirctly) in src into dst. We will copy only the files whose basename (e.g. foo.txt is the basename of /opt/foo/bar/foo.txt). We will copy the directories where a file is located as well matches the given regex

  • src – folder where we will find files to copy

  • dst – destination of the files

  • regex – regex that determines wether or not a file is copies


copy_folder_content(folder: str, destination: str)

Copy all the content of “folder” into the folder “destination”

  • folder – folder to copy files from

  • destination – folder where the contents will be copied into

copy_tree(src: str, dst: str)

Copy a whole directory tree or a single file. If you specifies a file rather than a directory, the function behaves like :see copy_file

  • src – the folder or the file to copy.

  • dst – the destination where the copied folder will be positioned

create_empty_directory(name: str)str

Create an empty directory in the CWD (if the path is relative)

:param name:the name of the driectory to create :return: the full path of the directory just created

create_empty_file(name: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8')

Create an empty file. if the file is relative, it is relative to the CWD

  • name – file name to create

  • encoding – encoding of the file. If unspecified, it is utf-8

find_directory(root_folder: str, folder: str)Iterable[str]

Find all the directories with the given name

  • root_folder – fodler where we need to look int

  • folder – name of the folder we need to fetch


list of files with thwe given filename

find_directory_with_filename_compliant_with_regex(root_folder: str, folder_regex: str)Iterable[str]

Find all the directories with the given name

  • root_folder – fodler where we need to look int

  • folder_regex – regex the folder name should be compliant with


list of files with thwe given filename

find_directory_with_fullpath_compliant_with_regex(root_folder: str, folder_regex: str)Iterable[str]

Find all the directories with the given name

  • root_folder – folder where we need to look int

  • folder_regex – regex the folder name should be compliant with


list of files with thwe given filename

find_executable_in_program_directories(program_name: str, fail_if_program_is_not_found: bool = False)Optional[str]

Find a program ouside the path as well. Paths is still considered

  • program_name – name of the program to look for

  • fail_if_program_is_not_found – if true, we will raise an exception if the program is not found


first absolute path of the program found. None if we did not find the program

find_file(root_folder: str, filename: str)Iterable[str]

Find all the files with the given filename (extension included)

  • root_folder – fodler where we need to look int

  • filename – filename we need to fetch


list of files with thwe given filename

find_file_in_roots_st(root_folders: str, match: Callable[[str, str, str], bool])Iterable[str]

Find all the files matchign the given function

  • root_folders – folders where we need to look int

  • match – a function that defines if you want to include the file into the output. The first parameter is the folder containing the given file. The second parameter is the involved file. The third is the absolute path of the involved path


list of files compliant with the given function

find_file_st(root_folder: str, match: Callable[[str, str, str], bool])Iterable[str]

Find all the files matchign the given function

  • root_folder – folder where we need to look int

  • match – a function that defines if you want to include the file into the output. The first parameter is the folder containing the given file. The second parameter is the involved file. The third is the absolute path of the involved path


list of files compliant with the given function

find_file_with_filename_compliant_with_regex(root_folder: str, filename_regex: str)Iterable[str]

Find all the files containign (search) the given regex

  • root_folder – folder where we need to look int

  • filename_regex – the regex any filename should be compliant


list of files with thwe given filename

find_file_with_fullpath_compliant_with_regex(root_folder: str, filename_regex: str)Iterable[str]

Find all the files containing (search) the given regex

  • root_folder – folder where we need to look int

  • filename_regex – the regex any filename should be compliant


list of files with the given filename

find_first_file_in_roots_st(root_folders: str, match: Callable[[str, str, str], bool])Optional[str]

Find the first file matching the given function

  • root_folders – folders where we need to look int

  • match – a function that defines if you want to include the file into the output. The first parameter is the folder containing the given file. The second parameter is the involved file. The third is the absolute path of the involved path


file compliant with the given function or None

find_first_file_in_roots_st_or_fail(root_folders: str, match: Callable[[str, str, str], bool])str

Find the first file matching the given function. If no such file exists, generates an exception

  • root_folders – folders where we need to look int

  • match – a function that defines if you want to include the file into the output. The first parameter is the folder containing the given file. The second parameter is the involved file. The third is the absolute path of the involved path


file compliant with the given function or None

find_first_file_st(root_folder: str, match: Callable[[str, str, str], bool])Optional[str]

Find the first file matching the given function

  • root_folder – folder where we need to look int

  • match – a function that defines if you want to include the file into the output. The first parameter is the folder containing the given file. The second parameter is the involved file. The third is the absolute path of the involved path


file compliant with the given function or None

find_first_file_st_or_fail(root_folder: str, match: Callable[[str, str, str], bool])str

Find the first file matching the given function. If no such file exists, generates an exception

  • root_folder – folder where we need to look int

  • match – a function that defines if you want to include the file into the output. The first parameter is the folder containing the given file. The second parameter is the involved file. The third is the absolute path of the involved path


file compliant with the given function or None

find_folder_st(root_folder: str, match: Callable[[str, str, str], bool])Iterable[str]

Find all the folder matching a given function

  • root_folder – folder where we need to look int

  • match – a function that defines if you want to include the folder into the output. The first parameter is the folder containing the given folder. The second parameter is the involved folder. The third is the absolute path of the involved path


list of folders compliant with the given function

find_regex_match_in_file(pattern: str, *p: str, encoding: str = 'utf8', flags: Union[int, re.RegexFlag] = 0)Optional[re.Match]

FInd the first regex pattern in the file

If you used named capturing in the pattern, you can gain access via“name”)

  • pattern – regex pattern to consider

  • p – file to consider

  • encoding – encoding of the file to search. Defaults to utf8

  • flags – flags of the regex to build. Passed as-is


a regex match representing the first occurence. If None we could not find anything

get_file_size(*f: str)int

Get the filesize of a given file. If the file is a directory, return the cumulative size of all the files in it


f – the path of the file to consider


number of bytes

is_directory(*p: str)bool

Check if the given path is a directory


p – paths to check


true if the concatenated version of p is a directory. False otherwise

is_directory_empty(name: str)bool

Check if a directory exists and is empty


name – folder to check


true if the folder exists and is empty, false otherwise

is_directory_exists(name: str)bool

Check if a directory exists.


name – folder to check


true if the folder exists, false otherwise

is_file(*p: str)bool

Check if the given path represents a file or a directory


p – paths to check


true if the concatenated version of p is a file. False otherwise

is_file_empty(name: str)bool

Checks if a file exists. If exists, check if it empty as well.


name – file to check


true if the file exists and has no bytes; false otherwise

is_file_exists(name: str)bool

Check if a file exists


name – file whose existence we need to assert


true if the file exists, false otherwise

is_file_non_empty(*name: str)bool

Checks if a file exists. If exists, check if it is not empty as well.


name – file to check


true if the file exists and has at least one byte; false otherwise

ls(folder: str = None, generate_absolute_path: bool = False)Iterable[str]

Show the list of all the files in the given directory

  • folder – folder to scan. default to CWD

  • generate_absolute_path – if true, we will generate in the outptu the absolute path of the subfolders. Otherwise we will return only the


iterable of all the files in the given directory

ls_directories_recursive(folder: str)Iterable[str]

Show the list of all the directories in the given folder


folder – folder to scan (default to cwd)


list of absolute filename representing the stored directories

ls_only_directories(folder: str = None, generate_absolute_path: bool = False)Iterable[str]

Show the list of all the directories in the given directory

  • folder – folder to scan. If missing, default to CWD

  • generate_absolute_path – if true, we will generate in the outptu the absolute path of the subfolders. Otherwise we will return only the names.


a list of absolute paths representing the subdirectories inside folder

ls_only_files(folder: str = None, generate_absolute_path: bool = False)Iterable[str]

Show the list of all the files (but not directories) in the given directory

  • folder – folder to scan. default to CWD

  • generate_absolute_path – if true, we will generate in the outptu the absolute path of the subfolders. Otherwise we will return only the


ls_recursive(folder: str = None)Iterable[str]

Show the list of all the files in the given folder


folder – folder to scan (default to cwd)


list of absolute filename representing the stored files

make_directories(*folder: str)None

Create all the needed directories for the given path. Note that if you inject the path temp/foo/hello.txt (you can see hello.txt shoudl be a file) the function will generate hello.txt as a directory!


folder – folders to create

move_file(src: str, dst: str)

Move a single file from a location to another one

  • src – the file to move

  • dst – the path where the file will be moved to

move_tree(src: str, dst: str)

Move an entire directory tree from one position to another one

  • src – path of the directory to move

  • dst – path of the directory that we will create

read_file_content(name: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8', trim_newlines: bool = True)str

Read the whole content of the file in a single string

  • name – name of the file to load

  • encoding – the encoding of the file. If unspecified, it is utf-8

  • trim_newlines – if true, we will trim the newlines, spaces and tabs at the beginning and at the end of the file


string repersenting the content of the file

read_lines(name: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8')Iterable[str]

Read the content of a file and yields as many item as there are lines in the file. Strip from the line ending new lines. Does not consider empty lines

  • name – name of the file

  • encoding – encoding of the file. If unspecified, it is utf-8


iterable containing the lines of the file

remove_file(name: str, ignore_if_not_exists: bool = True)bool

Remove a file. If the cannot be removed (for some reason), ignore_if_not_exists determines if somethign goes wrong

  • name – file to delete

  • ignore_if_not_exists – if true, we won’t raise exception if the file does not exists or cannot be removed


true if we have removed the file, false otherwise

remove_files_that_basename(src: str, regex: str)

Remove the files located (directly or indirectly) in src. We will copy only the files whose basename (e.g. foo.txt is the basename of /opt/foo/bar/foo.txt). We will copy the directories where a file is located as well matches the given regex

  • src – folder where we will find files to copy

  • regex – regex that determines wether or not a file is copies


remove_last_n_line_from_file(name: str, n: int = 1, consider_empty_line: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8')List[str]

Read the content of a file and remove the last n lines from the file involved. Then, rewrites the whole file

  • name – file involved. If relative, it is relative to ::cwd()

  • n – the number of lines to remove at the end.

  • consider_empty_line – if True, we consider empty lines as well.

  • encoding – the encoding used to rewrite file


the lines just removed

remove_string_in_file(name: str, substring: str, count: int = - 1, encoding: str = 'utf-8')

Remove some (or all) the occurences of a given substring in a file

  • name – path of the file to handle

  • substring – substring to replace

  • count – the number of occurences to remove. -1 if you want to remove all occurences

  • encoding – encoding used for reading the file

remove_tree(*folder: str, ignore_if_not_exists: bool = True)None

Remove a dirctory tree

  • folder – path to the directory to remove

  • ignore_if_not_exists – if the directory does not exists, we do nothing if htis field is true

replace_regex_in_file(name: str, regex: str, replacement: str, count: int = - 1, encoding: str = 'utf-8')

Replace some (or all) the occurences of a given regex in a file.

If you want to use named capturing group, you can do so! For instance,

replace_regex_in_file(file_path, ‘(?P<word>w+)’, ‘(?P=word)aa’) ‘spring’ will be replaced with ‘springaa’

It may not work, so you can use the following syntax to achieve the same: replace_regex_in_file(file_path, ‘(?P<word>w+)’, r’g<word>aa’) ‘spring’ will be replaced with ‘springaa’

  • name – path of the file to handle

  • regex – regex to replace

  • replacement – string that will replace substring

  • count – the number of occurences to replace. -1 if you want to replace all occurences

  • encoding – encoding used for reading the file


replace_string_in_file(name: str, substring: str, replacement: str, count: int = - 1, encoding: str = 'utf-8')

Replace some (or all) the occurences of a given substring in a file

  • name – path of the file to handle

  • substring – substring to replace

  • replacement – string that will replace substring

  • count – the number of occurences to replace. -1 if you want to replace all occurences

  • encoding – encoding used for reading the file

write_file(name: str, content: Any, encoding: str = 'utf-8', overwrite: bool = False, add_newline: bool = True)

Write into a file with the specified content. if overwrite is unset, we will do nothing if the file already exists

  • name – name of the file to create

  • content – content of the file to create.

  • encoding – encoding fo the file to create. utf-8 by default

  • overwrite – if true, we will overwrite the file

  • add_newline – if true, we will add a new line at the end of the content

write_lines(name: str, content: Iterable[Any], encoding: str = 'utf-8', overwrite: bool = False)

Write severla lines into a file. if overwrite is unset, we will do nothing if the file already exists

  • name – name of the file to create

  • content – lines of the file to create. We will append a new ine at the end of each line

  • encoding – encoding fo the file to create. utf-8 by default

  • overwrite – if true, we will overwrite the file


class pmakeup.plugins.paths.PathsPMakeupPlugin.PathsPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

abs_path(*p: pmakeup.plugins.paths.PathsPMakeupPlugin.PathsPMakeupPlugin.path)str

Generate a path compliant with the underlying operating system path scheme.

If the path is relative, it is relative to the cwd


p – the path to build

cd(*folder: str, create_if_not_exists: bool = True)str

Gain access to a directory. If the directory does nto exists, it is created If the path is relative, it is relative to the CWD

  • folder – folder where we need to go into

  • create_if_not_exists – if true, we will create the directory if we try to cd into a non existent directory


the directory where we have cd from

cd_into_directories(folder: str, prefix: str, folder_format: str, error_if_mismatch: bool = True)

Inside the given folder, there can be several folders, each of them with the same format. We cd into the “latest” one. How can we determine which is the “latest” one? Via folder_format. it is a string that is either: - “number”: an integer number - “semver2”: a semantic versionign string; We fetch the “latest” by looking at the one with the greater value. If the folder contains a folder which it is not compliant with folder_format, it is either ignored or rase error

  • folder – folder where several folders are located

  • prefix – a string that prefix folder_format

  • folder_format – either “number” or “semver2”

  • error_if_mismatch – if a folder is not compliant with folder_format, if true we will generate an exception


change_filename_extension(new_extension: str, *p)str

Change the extension of the given path

new extensions: dat /path/to/file.txt.zp.asc -> /path/to/file.txt.zp.dat

  • new_extension – extension that will be set

  • p – path to chan


p, but with the updated extensions


the CWD the commands operates in

get_absolute_file_till_root(filename: str, base: str = None)str

Starting from the directory base, check if a fiel called “filename” is present. If nt, recursively chekc the parent directory Raise an exception if the file is not found whern considering the root

  • filename – the name of the file (extension included) we need to look for

  • base – directory where we start looking. If left missing, we consider the CWD


absolute path of the file found


Compute the base name of the path

/path/to/file.txt.zp.asc -> file.txt.zp.asc


p – path to consider




Compute the basename of the path and remove its extension as well

/path/to/file.txt.zp.asc -> file.txt.zp


p – path to consider




Compute the extension of a file


p – the file to consider


the file extension

get_file_without_extension(*p: str)str

Compute the filename without its last extension

/path/to/some/ –> /path/to/some/


p – path to consider


same absolute path, without extension


Retrieve the absolute path of the parent directory of the specified path.

/foo/tbar/tmp.txt -> /foo/tbar


p – path to consider


parent directory of path

get_relative_path_wrt(p: str, reference: str)str

If we were in folder reference, what actiosn should we perform in order to reach the file p?

  • p – the file to reach

  • reference – the folder we are in right now


relative path

path(*p: str)str

Generate a path compliant wit the underlying operating system path scheme.

If the path is relative, we will not join it with cwd


p – the path to build


class pmakeup.plugins.strings.StringsPMakeupPlugin.StringsPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

match(string: str, regex: str)bool

Check if a given string matches perfectly the given regex


true if such a substring can be found, false otherwise

replace_regex_in_string(string: str, regex: str, replacement: str, count: int = - 1, encoding: str = 'utf-8')str

Replace some (or all) the occurences of a given string

If you want to use named capturing group, you can do so! For instance,

replace_regex_in_string(‘3435spring9437’, r’(?P<word>[a-z]+)’, r’aa’) ‘spring’ will be replaced with ‘springaa’

It may not work, so you can use the following syntax to achieve the same: replace_regex_in_file(file_path, ‘(?P<word>w+)’, r’g<word>aa’) ‘spring’ will be replaced with ‘springaa’

  • string – string that will be involved in the replacements

  • regex – regex to replace

  • replacement – string that will replace substring

  • count – the number of occurences to replace. -1 if you want to replace all occurences

  • encoding – encoding used for reading the file


replace_substring_in_string(string: str, substring: str, replacement: str, count: int = - 1)str

Replace some (or all) the occurences of a given string

  • string – string that will be involved in the replacements

  • substring – the string to repplace

  • replacement – string that will replace substring

  • count – the number of occurences to replace. -1 if you want to replace all occurences

search(string: str, regex: str)

Check if a given string has a substring that matches the given regex


true if such a substring can be found, false otherwise


class pmakeup.plugins.targets.TargetsPMakeupPlugin.TargetsPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

declare_file_descriptor(description: str)

Defines what to write at the beginning of the info string that is displayed whenver the user wants to know what the given Pmakeupfile does


description – string to show

declare_target(target_name: str, f: Callable[], None], requires: Iterable[str] = None, description: str = '')

Declare that the user can declare a pseudo-makefile target.

  • target_name – name of the target to declare

  • description – a description that is shown when listing all available targets

  • requires – list fo target names this target requires in order to be executed. They must already exist in pmakeup environment

  • f – the function to perform when the user requests this target

get_target_descriptor(target_name: str)pmakeup.TargetDescriptor.TargetDescriptor

Get a descriptor for a given pmakeup target. Raises exception if target is not declared


target_name – name of the target


descriptor for the target

is_target_requested(target_name: str)bool

Check if the the user has specified the given target


target_name – the name of the target that we need to check


true if the target has been declard by the user, false otherwise


Function used to process in the correct order. If the user requested to show the help for this file, the function will show it and return it

It will call the function declared in declare_target


class pmakeup.plugins.tempfiles.TempFilesPMakeupPlugin.TempFilesPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

create_temp_directory_with(directory_prefix: str)Any

Create a temporary directory on the file system where to put temporary files


directory_prefix – a prefix to be put before the temporary folder


the absolute path of the temporary folder created. The function can be used an input of a “with” statement. The folder will be automatically removed at the end of the with.

create_temp_file(directory: str, file_prefix: str = None, file_suffix: str = None, mode: str = 'r', encoding: str = 'utf-8', readable_for_all: bool = False, executable_for_owner: bool = False, executable_for_all: bool = False)str

Creates the file. You need to manually dispose of the file by yourself

  • directory – the directory where to put the file

  • file_prefix – a string that will be put at the beginning of the filename

  • file_suffix – a string that will be put at the end of the filename

  • mode – how we will open the file. E.g., “r”, “w”

  • encoding – the encodign of the file. Default to “utf-8”

  • readable_for_all – if True, the file can be read by anyone

  • executable_for_owner – if True, the file can be executed by the owner

  • executable_for_all – if True, anyone can execute the file


the absolute path of the temp file

get_temp_filepath(prefix: str = None, suffix: str = None)str

Get the filename of a temp file. You need to manually create such a temp file

  • prefix – a prefix the temp file to generate has

  • suffix – a suffix the temp file to generate has


the absolute path of the temp path


class pmakeup.plugins.utils.UtilsPMakeupPlugin.UtilsPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

as_bool(v: Any)bool

Convert a value into a boolean


v – value to convert as a boolean


true of false

convert_table(table_str: str)List[List[str]]

Convert a table printed as:

Port Type Board Name FQBN Core /dev/ttyACM1 Serial Port (USB) Arduino/Genuino MKR1000 arduino:samd:mkr1000 arduino:samd

Into a list of lists of strings


table_str – representation of a table


list of lists of strings

get_column_of_table(table: List[List[str]], index: int)List[str]

Select a single column from the table, generated by ::convert_table

  • table – the table generated by ::convert_table

  • index – index of the column to return. Starts from 0


the column requested

get_column_of_table_by_name(table: List[List[str]], column_name: str)List[str]

Select a single column from the table, generated by ::convert_table We assumed the first row of the table is a header, contaiing the column names

  • table – the table generated by ::convert_table

  • column_name – name of the column to return.


the column requested

grep(lines: Iterable[str], regex: str, reverse_match: bool = False)Iterable[str]

Filter the lines fetched from terminal

  • lines – the lines to fetch

  • regex – a python regex. If a line contains a substring which matches the given regex, the line is returned

  • reverse_match – if True, we will return lines which do not match the pattern


lines compliant with the regex

pairs(it: Iterable[Any])Iterable[Tuple[Any, Any]]

Convert the iterable into an iterable of pairs.

1,2,3,4,5,6 becomes (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5), (5,6)


it – iterable whose sequence we need to generate


iterable of pairs


class pmakeup.plugins.log.LoggingPMakeupPlugin.LoggingPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin

critical(message: str)

Log a message using ‘CRITICAL’ level


message – the message to log

debug(message: str)

Log a message using ‘DEBUG’ level


message – the message to log

echo(message: str, foreground: str = None, background: str = None)

Print a message on the screen

  • message – the message to print out

  • foreground – foreground color of the string. Accepted values: RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENT, CYAN, WHITE

  • background – background color of the string. Accepted values: RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENT, CYAN, WHITE

echo_variables(foreground: str = None, background: str = None)

Echo all the variables defined in “variables”

  • foreground – the foregruodn color

  • background – the background color

info(message: str)

Log a message using ‘INFO’ level


message – the message to log

print_blue(message: str)

Print a blue message


message – message to print

print_cyan(message: str)

Print a blue message


message – message to print

print_red(message: str)

Print a red message


message – message to print

print_yellow(message: str)

Print a blue message


message – message to print

Operating system

class pmakeup.plugins.operating_system.OperatingSystemPMakeupPlugin.OperatingSystemPMakeupPlugin(model: pmakeup.models.PMakeupModel.PMakeupModel)

Bases: pmakeup.plugins.AbstractPmakeupPlugin.AbstractPmakeupPlugin


get the user currently logged


the user currently logged

execute_admin_and_forget(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)int

Execute a command as admin but ensure that no stdout will be printed on the console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be exeucte in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_admin_and_run_in_background(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None)int

Execute a command as admin but ensure that no stdout will be printed on the console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be exeucte in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables


pid of running process

execute_admin_return_stdout(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)Tuple[int, str, str]

Execute a command as an admin. We won’t show the stdout on pmakeup console but we will capture it and returned it

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be execute in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_admin_stdout_on_screen(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)int

Execute a command as an admin. We won’t capture the stdout but we will show it on pmakeup console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be execute in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_admin_with_password_and_run_in_background(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], password: str, cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None)int

Execute a command as admin but ensure that no stdout will be printed on the console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be exeucte in the same context

  • password – password of the user to invoke the program as an admin

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_admin_with_password_fire_and_forget(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], password: str, cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)int

Execute a command as admin by providing the admin password. THIS IS INCREDIBLE UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!. Please, I beg you, do NOT use this if you need any level of security!!!!! This will make the password visible on top, on the history, everywhere on your system. Please use it only if you need to execute a command on your local machine.

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be executed in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds

  • password[UNSAFE!!!!] If you really need, you might want to run a command as an admin only on your laptop, and you want a really quick and dirty way to execute it, like as in the shell. Do not use this in production code, since the password will be ‘printed in clear basically everywhere! (e.g., history, system monitor, probably in a file as well)

execute_admin_with_password_return_stdout(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], password: str, cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)Tuple[int, str, str]

Execute a command as an admin. We won’t show the stdout on pmakeup console but we will capture it and returned it

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be execute in the same context

  • password[UNSAFE!!!!] If you really need, you might want to run a command as an admin only on your laptop, and you want a really quick and dirty way to execute it, like as in the shell. Do not use this in production code, since the password will be ‘printed in clear basically everywhere! (e.g., history, system monitor, probably in a file as well)

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_admin_with_password_stdout_on_screen(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], password: str, cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)int

Execute a command as an admin. We won’t capture the stdout but we will show it on pmakeup console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be execute in the same context

  • password[UNSAFE!!!!] If you really need, you might want to run a command as an admin only on your laptop, and you want a really quick and dirty way to execute it, like as in the shell. Do not use this in production code, since the password will be ‘printed in clear basically everywhere! (e.g., history, system monitor, probably in a file as well)

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_and_forget(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, str] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)int

Execute a command but ensure that no stdout will be printed on the console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be exeucte in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_and_run_in_background(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, str] = None)int

Execute a command but ensure that no stdout will be printed on the console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be exeucte in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables


pid of running process

execute_return_stdout(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)Tuple[int, str, str]

Execute a command. We won’t show the stdout on pmakeup console but we will capture it and returned it

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be exeucte in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr

execute_stdout_on_screen(commands: Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]], cwd: str = None, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, check_exit_code: bool = True, timeout: int = None)int

Execute a command. We won’t capture the stdout but we will show it on pmakeup console

  • commands – the command to execute. They will be exeucte in the same context

  • cwd – current working directory where the command is executed

  • env – a dictionary representing the key-values of the environment variables

  • check_exit_code – if true, we will generate an exception if the exit code is different than 0

  • timeout – if positive, we will give up waiting for the command after the amount of seconds


triple. The first element is the error code, the second is the stdout (if captured), the third is stderr


List of paths in PATH environment variable


collections of path

is_program_installed(program_name: str)bool

Check if a program is reachable via commandline. We will look only in the PATH environment variable. If you want to look in other parts as well, conside rusing


program_name – the name of the program (e.g., dot)


true if there is a program accessible to the PATH with the given name, false otherwise